[February 16th 2019]
It has been exactly one month since I turned 27 and there are times when I feel behind. I look at my peers and where they are, look at myself and ask myself why I am where I am.
I was a late bloomer. I learned how to study late, I realised my potential late, and when everyone knew exactly what they wanted to do, all I knew was that I wanted to be happy and rich (and I was more art than science).
Last year, I decided to take my masters seriously because the one promise I had made to myself was that I would only do a masters if I was sure about what I wanted to do. I don’t like school enough to do it for the sake of it, and it would take some of the pressure (I put on myself) off.
It feels like my peers are moving fast in life — Forbes 30 under 30, starting businesses that take off immediately, getting married and having kids; all the stereotypical adult shit. I look at them not with envy, but wonder and sometimes disbelief because I didn’t expect adulting to come this fast.
When these thoughts hit me, I remember that I am not in a race. I remember that if I put in the work, great things will come to me. I know exactly who I want to be now, and I’m not in a hurry to get there because I also want to enjoy the ride even when it’s bumpy. I’m also still finding myself because as human beings, we change so often, and if you move too fast, you might miss yourself and not know where you went. I’m enjoying every step of the journey — ok, that’s a damn lie because it’s hard as shit and when it’s hard I have intense conversations with God asking him WHY ME?
When you’re young, you’re taught that you should have it all or somewhat figured out in your 20s. People rush into careers because seeds were planted in their teenage years. The truth is, 20 is a joke. You have no clue who you are, everything really is just trial and error.
Thankfully my birthday is in January, and although it has been one month of 27 watching people move mountains, I’m happy because I’m listening, watching and growing at my own pace.
Originally published at http://twenty7.blog on July 1, 2019.